On the occasion of our 19th General Assembly, our Confederation came together virtually once again. As our 2016-2022 Strategy comes to a close, these two days presented an opportune moment to celebrate everything that CONCORD has achieved over the years as well as our way forward, together.

During the first session, we highlighted just a few of our successes from the previous strategy period. Over the years, our Confederation has addressed a myriad of compounding crises, as well as addressing the key challenges of our time – such as EU implementation of the comprehensive 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Through it all, our Members continued to come together to create solutions towards the change we want to see. This only demonstrates our ability to adapt as an influential actor in sustainable development. Curious what we highlighted? Take a look at the roadmap below.

The statutory sessions


Our General Assembly elected two Board Members: Catherine Giboin (Coordination SUD) for her first term and Javier Garcia de la Oliva (Action Aid International) for his second term. We are looking forward to working together with you.

We would also like to thank our outgoing Board Member, Stefan Cibian (FOND), whose mandate is coming to an end after joining our Board in 2018! Thank you for your invaluable collaboration both as a Board Member, but also as Treasurer and member of our Financial Advisory Committee. We know you will remain engaged in CONCORD’s work and look forward to seeing you in our different structures.


Our Confederation is also growing! Our General Assembly approved the membership of CARDET – Centre for the Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology – as an Associate Member. Welcome to the CONCORD family!

Annual Report 2021

Our General Assembly also approved our 2021 Annual Report, which looks back on our efforts in contributing to innovative and meaningful partnerships. The full report and its key takeaways is available on our website.

To get there. Together: Our 2023-2026 Strategy and Theory of Change

After taking stock of how far we’ve come, it was time to decide where we want to go! Members overwhelmingly approved our Strategy for the 2023-2026 period as well as our Theory of Change.

Since March 2021, our Members have convened to contribute their expertise, ideas and efforts to building this new phase for CONCORD. The Secretariat would like to thank everyone for their support and inputs. With our new vision of achieving equal, just, and inclusive societies in a sustainable world, we’re ready to take the next steps, together, to transform unjust systems and power structures in the world today.


The thematic sessions

Our General Assembly was also pleased to welcome Koen Doens, Director General of DG for International Partnerships in the European Commission. In the current context of compounding crises – from the global pandemic to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine to climate change to shrinking civic space – our Members posed the essential questions. Questions about how to increase transparency and accountability, to ensure enough funding is going to those who are furthest behind, to put meaningful civil society participation into practice, and to ensure that the short-term urgencies can be addressed while taking into consideration long-term priorities.
Our Confederation is as ready as ever to work hand-in-hand with the EU to ensure that no one is left behind.

These past years have been witness to numerous shocks in our global systems. If we are to achieve equal, just and inclusive societies in a sustainable world, the need to work together and scale-up efforts towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals is crystal clear. No matter what the future will bring, our new Strategy represents a compass to ensure that we remain relevant and impactful: that we get there, together.

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