CONCORD’s Strategy 2023-2026: To get there. Together.

Monday, June 27, 2022

Women's rights and trade

CONCORD’s 2023-26 strategy is written at a time of particular uncertainty. One thing is sure: much of the progress we have made over the past two decades in terms of human development, also in terms of poverty reduction and gender-based violence, has been reversed, or at the very least suffered considerable setbacks as a result of recent events.

This means that the global community – states, local governments, civil society, the private sector, communities – must redouble our efforts to meet the 2030 Agenda’s Sustainable Development Goals, ensuring that we leave no one behind.

Through our EU-wide membership, CONCORD is in pole position to influence the future and the way the EU addresses global challenges and human rights violations. We have already seen that some of the changes we have championed for years are now becoming ‘mainstream’, even in the hallowed realm of the economy. We have influence, but can be even more ambitious if we wish to effect truly transformational change. We will therefore put more emphasis on setting the agenda, engaging with the EU at all levels, while maintaining our focus on the essentials.

We have already begun this journey and the coming four years offer us an opportunity to make a step change in our ways of engaging and successfully influencing the EU so as to achieve the sustainable world we seek.

This strategy is about how we’ll get there. Together.

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