How much funding could go to gender equality in a year?

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

The EU frames GAP III as “an ambitious agenda for gender equality and women’s empowerment in EU external action” and it sets out a clear plan to tackle the root causes of gender inequalities. If it is to succeed, the EU and Member States need to ensure that the appropriate funding is made available for its implementation. This fact sheet aims to provide an overview of the different approaches taken by the EU when it comes to funding gender equality in external action.

Several gender equality targets exist in the EU frameworks. However, they do not represent the level of actual funding going to gender equality bacuse they relate to the share of new programmes, and not to the overall amount of funding or share of EU ODA. 

The European Parliament calls for establishing a specific target of 85 % of the EU’s ODA funding dedicated to programmes with gender equality as a principal or significant objective. It also stresses that the objectives set should be quantified in terms of dedicated funding and not just as a percentage of the overall programmes. This is the direct result of active advocacy by CONCORD.

See the fact sheet for more details on CONCORD’s position and recommendations.

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